ONEHUNGA CENTRE - 09 815 6122 | 0800 680 090

Nau mai, Haere mai Welcome!

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava and warm Pacific Greetings to you all!

We're thrilled to announce that Vinnies Auckland is now Vinnies Tāmaki Makaurau!

This new Vinnies Tāmaki Makaurau Trust still operates as part of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of New Zealand and will continue to support our community throughout Tāmaki Makaurau from our Hub in Onehunga.

This vibrant hub is the centre for our Community and Volunteer programme, Vinnies Youth development programme, the Vinnies Food Hub, Advocacy, Community support and Development programmes, Financial capability mentoring, Vinnies Kitchen, and numerous other initiatives.

We are dedicated to empowering and uplifting our community like never before.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us on this exciting journey!

#VinniesTamakiMakaurau #CommunityFirst #StVincentdePaul

Donations $10,208
Goal $20,000

A Dollar for A Dollar Campaign

For the first $20,000 raised, every dollar will be matched by a generous donor.

Donate $1

What we do

What programmes and support we provide for families and communities.
  • Vinnies Youth Leader and Development Programme
  • Community Connector and Family Support
  • Community Development – Employment and Micro-Qualifications and Career Pathways
  • Food Sovereignty Programme – Co-op and Food Hub
  • Volunteer Community Faith and Outreach Programme

Connect with us

Find out what we are doing in the community.

Our Sponsors

Special thanks to the sponsors for the support and the commitment in helping our Vinnies projects.

About SVdP

The Society of St Vincent de Paul’s history of service to the disadvantaged and marginalised, is based on a foundation of spirituality. This Vincentian spirituality motivates members and volunteers in their commitment to maintain a relationship of personal service to those with whom they work.

The main focus of our work is ensuring that the social, economic, and political pressures placed on those disadvantaged in our community are reduced. Hundreds of homes are visited each year and assisted with furniture and food parcels. Volunteers run a vast range of projects and specialised services, for people in need.


Get in touch

Vinnies Auckland Centre
6A Henderson Place, Onehunga
P: (09) 815 6122
P: 0800 680 090
General Enquires
E: [email protected]
Food Bank
E: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm